Thursday, November 15, 2012

Travel by Sea

I often travel by airplane or  land if travelling in a distance of more than 100 miles. Well, plane is pretty much a faster way to get to your destination than anything else. But isn't also exciting to try something new? I got the chance to finally ride a ferry for the first time (excluding this on the list of boats and small ferries I have already tried). This time, from Manila going to Negros Occidental. My boyfriend's a seaman, and I previously...

Monday, November 5, 2012

No bake blueberry cheesecake

I'm not good in cooking but I believe that everyone can learn everything as long as they wanted to. :) I love eating so I really really wanted to learn how to cook... and of course bake! But since we don't have an oven at home, I usually do refrigerated cakes. Well fiesta float is all I can do perfectly , so for the the first time I tried the no-cook blueberry cheesecake! (A very expensive cake to practice on). Since it's my dad's birthday...