Sunset at White Island Camiguin

When I admire the wonders of a sunset or the beauty of the moon, my soul expands in the worship of the creator. ~Mahatma Gandhi

Friday, July 5, 2013

There is no Perfect Guy

I'm on my  26th and I still cannot figure out what lies ahead of me...(Well, who can?). I once thought I'm going to get this and that. I once thought I'm gonne be this and that, and I sometimes end up the other way even if all the forces I use should lead to the things that I wanted to happen. This only proves that if it's not meant to be, it's not meant to be and it's never gonna happen. I can tell that I'm a lovaholic type of person....

Friday, June 14, 2013

Coffee Jelly with Cookies and Cream

I love desserts! And if I'm craving for something, I would definitely buy and eat it just to satisfy my cravings... However, if I can make it on my own, I would too! Just sharing my version of a coffee jelly with cookies and cream recipe. It's so easy to do! Great for sharing with friends as well. Surprise them with this dessert without spending too much :) Ingredients: 1 Unflavored Pack Gulaman Powder (any brand will do, but I used Queenie) 4-5...

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Cool Hangout Place at Sitio Liwliwa, Zambales

Summer is not yet over! I never thought such a place like Sitio Liwliwa exists! The not so overrated place is just waiting to be discovered by surfer and skim-boarder enthusiast. Where I can tell that simple is really beautiful.... To share the experience, the place is just 3-4 hours drive from Ortigas (including our many stop overs! Lol) ... It's my second time to drive this far, and didn't noticed it since I was so excited to see the place! We...

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Surfing and Skimboarding Philippines

Have you ever tried something beyond your comfort zone? Going out on a vacation without doing any extreme and unusual outdoor activity is a bit boring for me! So I usually pick places where I can try something new. An example is surfing and skim-boarding , the 2 water sports that are gradually becoming popular in the Philippines this past years. Way back few years ago, I tried both surfing and skimboarding but eventually stucked in just surfing...

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Baler via Bongabon : Scary Route

Here I go again... wandering around wherever my feet and money will take me :) ! But anyway, my main purpose for visiting Baler is for my new BF's cousin's wake. Yeah, it was sad that I am going to visit there not for a getaway, but because a person whom I don't even had a chance to meet who also loves traveling and exploring and enjoying had his life cut short by a genetic disorder... This is my 3rd time to visit Baler, one of the places in...

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Priceless Moment on the Road

This blog was intentionally for the different adventures I've encountered in my life. Lately, another unexpected adventure came out of the blue (God has his own way of making good things out of bad things). Well, my boyfriend (now an ex-bf) just broke up with me with some b*shit reasons of his own... Anyway, we'll forget about it and focus on the unexpected road priceless moments... On a very fine day of March 23-24, I decided to go with this...

Friday, February 22, 2013

Digital Perm at Tony and Jackey

It started when I got so bored with my life and I'm having some personal issues with my so called "love life" back in 2010, that I wanted a new look! I've been hearing a lot about this new way of curling hairs. I am familiar with the usual cold perm process until I heard about this and started googling "Digital Perm". Hmm..  found some very interesting facts about it. The waves formed by digital perms are more loose and big than the...